alexander fitch

portfolio of work

APLA Health

Client: APLA Health, Commune Communication

I designed various print and digital graphics for APLA Health via Commune Communication. APLA Health’s goals were to connect better with the LGBTQ+ community and freshen up the look and feel of their branding in the process, and what better time to flood the neighborhoods of Los Angeles with said materials than PRIDE? Using a new design system, icons, photography, and colors, these materials were posted and displayed throughout Los Angeles neighborhoods and distributed at events to inform residents of the many services APLA Health offers the community.

Postcards designed for APLA Health.
Digital signage created for APLA Health.
Postcard designed to raise PrEP awareness amongst the community.
APLA Health poster designs.
Mirror cling designed for APLA Health.


A major part of APLA Health’s yearly outreach and fundraising initiatives is AIDS Walk LA. Via Commune Communication, I helped freshen up the brand guidelines and branding package to be more flexible, modern, and relatable to the many communities affected by AIDS in the LA area. These updated brand standards were minded when I designed environmental graphics, booth graphics, graphics at various retailers and shops, event swag, and the revamped AIDS Walk LA website.


let’s talk!

alexander fitch

graphic designer, photographer, art director